How to combat the silent killer.

According to a recent study, loneliness can be as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes daily! This staggering finding concerns the rise in disconnection due to the combination of the pandemic and reliance on technology for “connection”.

In my experience, loneliness can be a silent killer. It can eat away at you slowly until you feel more isolated and disconnected than ever. Loneliness can have severe physical and mental health consequences. And studies now show you are better off being a full-time smoker with friends than living in isolation without support. Studies show loneliness weakens the immune system and increases inflammation and stress hormones. And unfortunately, lonely people are more likely to develop depression and anxiety.

That's why finding ways to combat loneliness and develop the social skills required to build connections is so important.

In my journey, I've found that joining groups and communities that align with my interests and values has been vital in overcoming feelings of loneliness. Whether it's a workout group, a sports club, or a community of like-minded individuals on social media, these connections have provided a sense of belonging and support that has been truly transformative.

Of course, it can be challenging to put yourself out there and try new things, especially if you're prone to feeling anxious or self-conscious. But as the saying goes, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." Taking small steps to connect with others, even if it feels uncomfortable at first, can have a big impact on your overall well-being.

So, don't give up hope if you're feeling lonely or disconnected. There are people who share your interests and values and are looking for connections just like you. Finding them may take some effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

Here are some ways you can make friends; it requires you to put in the effort and embrace the discomfort initially. it is almost like dating but for friends. ( even more important).

  1. Stay true to who you are; nothing is more enduring than someone comfortable with themselves. Determine what you like and seek out groups that align with those interests.

  2. Join Bumble Friends ( if that is still a thing, I used it to meet my now best friends back in 2019)

  3. Join a local FB community group; in all the cities I have lived, there is generally an online group of people posting catch-ups and free events to help connect new people in the area. I did find it difficult to find anyone my age in these groups, but with some dedication, there were always a few to find.

  4. Workplace connections! This is so underrated; joining a business with a great culture is irreplaceable. I often found myself chasing the $$$ and career climbs. Still, after years of doing this, I have discovered that accepting a little less than what you may “want” in return for an awesome, tight-knit team of colleagues (that you, btw spend more time within a week than anyone else) will drastically improve your support network and open you up to opportunities to connect with their own networks.

  5. Join a conscious connections group; if you are reading this blog post, I assume you are familiar with Morning Mindfulness; we have built an incredible community of like-minded humans. We have seen newbies come to one session and walk away with a best friend. With a business built upon community and support, it is an excellent opportunity for you to make friends and reconnect with yourself through breathwork, meditation and mindful movement.


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