How Breathwork can change your life.

Let’s dive into why Breathwork is such a game-changer.

First off, let’s talk about the Vagus nerve. This little powerhouse is like the ultimate connection between our mind and body. It’s the bridge that links up our brain, heart, gut, and even our immune system. When folks talk about mind-body practices, they’re really focusing on giving this nerve a workout. The Vagus nerve is like the conductor of our body’s symphony, keeping everything in harmony. One way we measure its strength is through heart rate variability, which is basically how our heart rate changes as we breathe in and out.

Give it a try: find your pulse, take a deep breath in, then slowly breathe out. Notice how your pulse reacts? That’s heart rate variability in action

Why does this matter?

Well, improved heart rate variability means we’ve got better control over our nervous system. We can switch gears faster from that ‘fight or flight’ mode to the ‘rest and digest’ vibe. Plus, strong Vagus nerve action is like a shield against heart attacks and strokes, two huge health risks in Western health. So, breathing exercises aren’t just good for chilling out; they’re your gateway to holistic healing.

So, how do we strengthen the Vagus nerve?

Easy: slow breathing. Just ten minutes a day can work wonders, tackling everything from medical issues like depression and anxiety to emotional trauma like PTSD. Plus, slow breathing knocks down cortisol levels, that stress hormone that likes to wreak havoc on our bodies.

But don’t neglect the power of faster breathing techniques, like holotropic, rebirthing or Khapalbhati. These sympathetic activating techniques have been used worldwide to tap into altered states of consciousness, and now modern therapists and healers are utilising them for therapeutic treatments for boosting mental and physical performance.

When you breathe faster, you’re basically turbocharging the air flow in your lungs. This helps kick out extra carbon dioxide, temporarily shifting your body’s pH balance to a more alkaline state.

Sure, it might lead to some funky sensations like tingling or ringing in the ears, but research shows it’s all harmless. In fact, intense breathwork can actually jack up heart rate variability, giving us even more control over our nervous system and dialing down anxiety levels.

And there’s more: high-frequency breathing can rev up something called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), basically the brain’s superhero for growth and repair. It’s like hitting the reset button on your brain, boosting mental clarity and fighting off the effects of aging.

So, whether you’re taking it slow or kicking it into high gear, breathwork is a powerhouse for boosting Vagus nerve strength, improving heart rate variability, and dialing down stress and anxiety. It’s like a secret weapon for unlocking your body’s full potential.

Let’s talk psychology.

Our breath isn’t just about oxygen; it’s a direct line to our nervous system and our thoughts. Shallow mouth breathing? That’s a fast track to stress city. But deep, slow nose breathing? That’s your ticket to Chillville, population: you.

Breathwork isn’t some newfangled trend—it’s been around the block for centuries, used by cultures worldwide to tap into altered states and heal trauma. Our bodies hold onto emotional baggage like it’s going out of style, but breathwork can help us unpack that baggage, releasing both personal and generational trauma.

As we age, our thoughts tend to get stuck on autopilot, conserving energy by sticking to familiar patterns. But breathwork is like hitting the reset button on our brain, creating a whole new state for us to think in. It’s a natural, empowering way to shake up those old habits and make room for change.

Breathwork is amazing because it's all natural--meaning ONLY you have the healing power of your body. It empowers you with the tools to heal. There is no sense of giving away your power to another outside source in order to heal. It also combines the body-mind-soul connection so that you can access healing and change on all the dimensions of your being. It's truly one of the oldest and most powerful tools we have.


The Power of Conscious Breathing Therapy: Benefits, Emotional Healing, and Science


The evolution of human breathing