Are you ready to become a breathwork facilitator?

🌟 I have a lot of beautiful humans in my inbox asking about breathwork facilitator training, and it is AWESOME! This work is so f*cking rewarding. 🌟

BUT I am noticing a theme and it’s time to address it. Let’s be real: anyone attracted to the industry has had to walk a path of pain to find the calling to assist others through that path.

Experience is far more valuable than any piece of paper, and I believe the best facilitators have both. But it is so important for us as facilitators to be ethical in our approach.

I have had to ask myself some hard questions recently, and they all have been about who I am behind closed doors when no one is watching. Does that version of me align with the version of me you know? And unfortunately… not always.

I can fall off the bandwagon like anyone, prioritise the wrong things, and allow my practice to fall to the wayside. In moments of hard self-reflection, I have to allow compassion to come in. I am only human, and I am not perfect in any shape or form.

But something I think is a non-negotiable for me is I will not teach something that I do not understand or practice myself.

And unfortunately, I can see a pattern of people who have not done the work, the hours, or the time to educate themselves on how to heal before they start claiming they can teach others.

So, I’ve created a list of things anyone should ask themselves before moving into an industry where you are required to be mentally stable and emotionally available to other humans in exchange for monetary compensation.

  1. Personal Healing and Stability

    • Have I addressed my own trauma and mental health issues through therapy or other professional help?

    • Do I have ongoing support systems in place (e.g., supervision, therapy, peer support)?

    • Am I able to remain emotionally stable and present when hearing about others' traumas and struggles?

  2. Boundaries and Self-Care

    • Can I set and maintain healthy boundaries with clients?

    • Do I have a consistent self-care routine to manage stress and prevent burnout?

    • Am I aware of my triggers, and do I have strategies to manage them in a professional setting?

  3. Education and Training

    • Have I received adequate training and education in my chosen field?

    • Do I understand the ethical guidelines and standards of practice for my profession?

    • Am I committed to ongoing professional development and learning?

  4. Motivation and Intentions

    • Why do I want to work in this field? Is it to heal myself, to help others, or a combination of both?

    • Am I seeking validation or trying to fulfill unmet personal needs through my work with clients?

    • Can I separate my personal experiences from my professional role and maintain objectivity?

  5. Empathy and Compassion

    • Do I have genuine empathy and compassion for others without over-identifying with their experiences?

    • Can I provide a non-judgmental and safe space for clients to express themselves?

    • Am I able to listen actively and respond appropriately to clients' needs?

  6. Ethical Practice

    • Do I understand and respect the confidentiality and privacy of my clients?

    • Am I aware of the limits of my competence and know when to refer clients to other professionals?

    • Can I manage dual relationships and conflicts of interest effectively?

  7. Reflecting on Past Experiences

    • How have my own healing journey and personal experiences influenced my desire to help others?

    • Have I sought feedback from mentors, supervisors, or peers about my readiness to work with clients?

    • What lessons have I learned from my own therapy or personal growth work that I can ethically and effectively integrate into my practice?

For those interested in becoming breathwork facilitators, it is vital to seek out reputable training programs and commit to ongoing personal and professional development. Only then can we truly honor the transformative power of breathwork and provide the highest level of care to those we serve.

Join Our 16-Week Coaching Program

If you resonate with the wounded healer archetype and are passionate about transitioning into a profession that helps others through breathwork, our 16-week coaching program is designed to support you. This program will guide you through personal healing, professional development, and ethical practice, ensuring you are equipped to provide the best care for others while maintaining your own well-being.


The Breathwork Boom: Opportunities, Risks, and the Need for Credibility